Personal Notes: For whatever reason, Ben likes the 'z' sound best and so most of the time when he babbles it sound like he's singing "Wannabe" to the toucan from The Lion King. Secondly I gave up caffeine for Lent. That means no coffee, regular tea, no chocolate, and most sodas. And that's just off the top of my head. Draw your own conclusions about that.
Now, onto business. Let's assume you've decided to write something longer, a novella or or perhaps a full-blown novel. Let's also assume, like me, that you are known for not finishing your random, out-of-your-mind schemes (watercolors, anyone? Knitting? Collage?) and you are aware that you drop most projects right in the middle because you get bored with them. What do you do to keep that from happening to your new literary endeavor?
I suggest analyzing your likes and dislikes. Look through your time and figure out what activities or treats you find yourself going back to again and again. Granted, snowboarding might not be the best example (snow, after it stops being fluffy is wet, and I have yet to discover a paper or electronic that likes 'wet') but try to think of something portable and weather-friendly. Now, see if you can adapt that to writing time. If you prefer your atmosphere you're more likely to return to it.
Secondly, for some it helps to have a very set routine. Me, I can't really get the mojo flowing unless it's completely dark except for one small lamp and the computer screen. I also need a hot drink and a glass of water. Food's bad, though. During initial creation (writing the very first draft) I stick to movie scores and other instrumentals that way lyrics don't bug me, but I still have a sound that moves me forward. After the first draft I develop a playlist and let it repeat as long as I'm editing.
You, however, may be the exact opposite. I stay in a small, dark room because the outdoors and I kind of hate each other, plus I'm a little ADD, so I need the dark to keep distractions to a minimum (if I can't see it I can't be distracted by it). Also, the music, coming from the tiny computer speakers right my the monitor/keyboard keep the back half of my brain busy while focusing the rest right toward my objective.
If you like Nature, or light, or anything else that might make me cringe, do THAT. My formula won't be yours. The point is, with a little careful study, you can find out what makes you stick with something and then make it work for your writing.
Me? It was wanting to rub it in my (usually very nice) husband's face when he laughed about me never finishing anything. *evil grin*
6 months ago
I'm a little keen to play Neverball or Solitaire when I'm supposed to be doing something. But with our story we sort of force each other to work when the others aren't so 'in the zone'. I think we sort of infect each other with muse. I can get really distracted by the TV and usually I have to have relevant music playing... stuff that fits the mood and that sounds pretty to accompany the feeling. I had to convince Kelsey on writing first-person instead of third (djksghadjgl emotions just are so much better conveyed in first, I think). But I wrote the (then)epilogue of the story as a sample of how first-person would go and I turned on some sad music and sort of dreamed it up in my head. It usually really gets the juices flowing. Not to mention I sort of like to sparkle my writing with too many metaphors and similes xD
Thanks for the advice- it should help me on a lot of projects xD. I hate trying to focus on work >C
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