Personal Note: I like broccoli better than any other veggie. I know, I know, I'm a radical. Also, people seem to either really love my hair or absolutely hate it, and it's kind of surprising, who's on which side of the fence.
Top of the list, give blood. You have to weigh at least one-hundred-and-ten pounds. I've never weighed that outside of being pregnant.
But just after that? Take grown up medications for anything, especially anything of the cold/allergy/sinus variety. Why? Because they make me super-loopy. If you've been one of those extremely kind of helpful people to read past drafts of the first Dionadir novel you likely know there's a scene in which Joss gets the flu hardcore, and you'll remember her mentioning something about looking for the Meaning of Life chillin' in the fridge, a side-effect of her cold medicine high. That detail is based in fact, my own life around the time I was sixteen, actually*. I'd contracted Mono (as had our entire marching band--we'd all shared the same water fountain at practices and our drum major had spread the love around, so to speak) and was having a lot of trouble sleeping because I felt so awful. The doctor I saw put me on ten milligrams of Benedryl before bed every night. Yeah . . . that was an interesting two weeks. I might as well have been dropping acid every night (something I've not actually done, but I'm guessing here) for all the psychedelic shenanigans my brain ran me through. I even remembered to write down some of my thoughts. I think my letters to my boyfriend-at-the-time, Michael, and my friends were probably hilarious and riddled with hidden meanings only a drugged version of me could interpret now.
But you want to know something even sillier? In between bouts of insanely hard sleeping (I go out like you would not believe, or maybe I just don't believe it because normally I'm the lightest of sleepers) I get this . . . I don't know, giggly burst of productive energy (hence this blog post, you know?) and STUFF GETS DONE, BUCKO!
Earlier today I finally sat myself down--after having index carded every scene in the book last night--and physically put them in a really good, sense-making, tension-holding, heart-tugging order. And now I just have to surgery those suckers into a book worth NOT putting down, because my cold-medicined brain is shooting in fourteen different directions and all of them are made of PURE WIN . . .
At least until I pass out again, dead to the world as far as everything else is concerned.
But first! I must conquer a kitchen!
*Though I still maintain my best friend describing her behavior on Robitussin and/or sleep deprivation is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Patrick Swayze and a space so thin a piece of paper wouldn't fit in it were mentioned.
6 months ago
Is your hair still bright pink? If not, I don't understand what people could hate about it. (Though I must say I really enjoyed the pink.)
P.S. Broccoli is yum, but fresh-cooked corn-on-the-cob is the best veggie in the world.
Benadryl is the Devil -_- It messes with me SO BAD. Ive been drunk, and had more control over myself...that was an interesting party/ day after....
which color is your hair now? Haha ^^
How tiny ARE you?!
And I love broccoli - spread the Veggie love!
I used to like broccoli... Then I grew it one year and these disgusting little worms ate it all and now I am somewhat paranoid...
On another note, highly enjoyable blog, as always :D
I have only the vaguest of memories of my own Benadryl moments.
You have a way of making my size 6 booty feel huge. HUGE!! Be sure to post your weight all the time so I'll be motivated to keep exercising.
I have the same reax to cold/sinus meds. The ones that say 'non-drowsy' make me drowsy. The regular ones give me this combo of so sleepy I can't sit up and hold my eyes open, yet so jittery I can't lie still or go to sleep. So I just lay in bed and twitch a lot.
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